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SX18 DB9 Connection — Parallax Forums

SX18 DB9 Connection

Justin ShumakerJustin Shumaker Posts: 22
edited 2005-04-03 03:25 in General Discussion
I'm trying to interface my DB9 cable to the SX18 and I see no mention of which pins on the DB9 cable correspond to which pins on the SX18 chip. I know the OSC1, OSC2, VSS, and VDD are used, but which pins on the DB9 are used, is it the standard 2,3,7,8? If so, which pin corresponds to which pin on the chip, thanks for the help.

- Justin


  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2005-04-02 04:00
    Your not trying to connect the DB9 directly to the SX18 are you ?
    You need the SX-Key (or some other programmer) to program the SX18.

    "SX-Video Display Module" Available Now.

    "A problem well defined, is a problem·half solved."
  • Justin ShumakerJustin Shumaker Posts: 22
    edited 2005-04-02 04:02
    I've got the javelin programming board, I'm trying to figure out if I can use that or if I need something special from parallax...

    - Justin
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2005-04-02 04:05
    I'm not sure about the javelin, but I suspect that it (like the BS2) IS programmed directly from serial data, but the SX chips are different, they need a special programmer (SX-Key) to program and to debug them.
    You can buy the SX-Key alone for $79, but for $10 more you get the whole kit.

    "SX-Video Display Module" Available Now.

    "A problem well defined, is a problem·half solved."
  • Justin ShumakerJustin Shumaker Posts: 22
    edited 2005-04-02 04:08
    drats, okay... I guess I'll have to buy the kit come next paycheck, thanks.

    - Justin
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2005-04-02 04:10
    Really, the SX-Tech board is ideal for getting started with the SX chips. If your just playing around I would get the "LITE" kit for $89, but if your serious spend the extra $10 and get the two other books, you won't be sorry.

    Looks like your trying to find an inexpensive alternative to the Javelin ?

    "SX-Video Display Module" Available Now.

    "A problem well defined, is a problem·half solved."
  • Justin ShumakerJustin Shumaker Posts: 22
    edited 2005-04-03 03:25
    I've written some passive gps navigation software for my rocket on the javelin as well as control for the recovery system to launch the parachute using an accelerometer, however if the rocket fails and the chip gets destroyed I'm out $90 for a new javelin. While rewriting the code for the SX will be time consuming I'll only have to do it once and if something bad should happen then I'm only out a few bucks.

    - Justin
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