Stand Alone SX not working
I am trying to make a stand alone SX but my computer won't recognize it, here is all I know to check so that maybe yall can help me track down the problem.
SX key itself works, as it recognizes the SX Tech board.
Have 5v reg, installed correctly, running off 4 AAs which are supplying a little under 6v.
MCLR tied to VDD with a 10K resistor.
Osscilator installed, grounded, and connected to chip and key.
SX Key inserted correctly, also connected to VDD and VSS.
Thats all I know to check.· Any help will be appreciated.
SX key itself works, as it recognizes the SX Tech board.
Have 5v reg, installed correctly, running off 4 AAs which are supplying a little under 6v.
MCLR tied to VDD with a 10K resistor.
Osscilator installed, grounded, and connected to chip and key.
SX Key inserted correctly, also connected to VDD and VSS.
Thats all I know to check.· Any help will be appreciated.
Post Edited (Jonb) : 4/2/2005 4:01:35 AM GMT
If so you may need to disconnect the oscillator to do the programming. What type of oscillator are you using ?
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"A problem well defined, is a problem·half solved."
You are trying to program your SX without the SX connected to the techboard, is that correct?
You can program the SX with the resonator installed, where I call a resonator the following...
I have successfully programmed my SXes several times without removing the resonator.
However, you cannot debug with the resonator installed, as Allan mentioned.
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"A problem well defined, is a problem·half solved."
alkaline cells deliver current from 0.8 volts to 1.5volts, with a reasonably linear drop over life. A 7805 regulator require 2 volts min. headroom. 7 volts minimum in, for 5 volts out.
Simple check, remove batteries and hook up a 1 amp, 7 volt + supply
I have a handmade SX project board that is powered directly from 4 AA NiMH cells. When the NiMHes are fully charged, they show about 5 volts, and I can program the SX fine. But after a few hours of development, when the NiMH voltage sags below about 4.5V, the SX program won't detect the SX anymore. The existing program in the SX still is able to run, but evidently the SXKey requires pretty close to 5 volts to run properly. I charge up the NiMHes, and I'm back in business.
Try measuring the voltage at the chip. I've tried running a 7805 from 4 alkaline cells and had trouble getitng 5 volts out - the 7805 I used needed about 6.5 to 7 volts in to give a reliable 5 volts out.
There are LDO (low drop out) variants that only need 1 volt headroom.
If power consumption is not an issue, you can just use more cells, and let the regulator waste the extra voltage for a charged pack.
For battery power only, I would now use 2 cells and a step up (boost) switching supply. This allows use of bigger batteries (D cells have more amps/$ than smaller cells), and full use of the battery ie run it down to 0.8 volts. However, board design/sheilding for emi do become an issue.
My project uses an SX and a Garmin GPS receiver, both of which have very wide (although slightly different) specified input voltage ranges.
While programming the Sx, it seems that a regulated supply would help, but in standalone operation, it is completely within the specs of the parts to run under a wide voltage range.