Animatronic costume remote controller
I have a costume with animatronic wings that I have been controlling via a wired pocket pc, I got tired of charging and having the pocket pc hard tethered. so I set about to figure out how to change that, I found a nice 12 channel wireless reciver/transmitter, and played around with a BS2 homeworkboard. found that it could work so I purchased a Oem BS2.
heres the pictures of the controller itself..
and heres the url for the pictures of the actual costume
the code for the basic stamp is here
the wingpack is powered by D cells, inside is a SSC made by a friend, the basic stamp sends the commands serially via the debug/program port. So it's a perfect wireless fix. if anyone has any questions.. feel free to post and ask.. I will try and clarify anything. (or email me if ya like..
heres the pictures of the controller itself..
and heres the url for the pictures of the actual costume
the code for the basic stamp is here
the wingpack is powered by D cells, inside is a SSC made by a friend, the basic stamp sends the commands serially via the debug/program port. So it's a perfect wireless fix. if anyone has any questions.. feel free to post and ask.. I will try and clarify anything. (or email me if ya like..
"SX-Video Display Module" Available Now.
"A problem well defined, is a problem·half solved."
·· Very nice!· I too wouldn't mind seeing a little video of the animation.· I see you have an OEM BS2 in there.· I too have mounted mine inside the enclosure using the DB9 connector.· Although I never though of soldering the wires directly to the board.· That might have saved me some hassles with the SIP header connectors!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
"SX-Video Display Module" Available Now.
"A problem well defined, is a problem·half solved."
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
good job on the suit.
i found that just using microsofts movie maker (the newest download) that putting out video is quick and pretty painless.· it lets you set up for low quality for dialup or high quality for broadband.· its easy to use and will import just about any kind of video file.
its no adobe premiere but if you dont care about·bells and whistles, and just want something to drag clips on to a timeline, add some titles and maybe some fades between scenes; that its a good solution.
keep us posted.
daniel woolston
Teksystems Inc.
1.3 megs or so..
Please let me know what you think [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Nice work and inspiring, too. Make the ears move, too.
- Ken