LK204-25, 4x4 matix keypad & Javelin Stamp
Hi, I am using the LK204-25 LCD display and a 4x4 matrix keypad in my application.· I am using the Javelin stamp mounted on a Board of Eduacation as my controller.· In my application I want to use only three keypad presses, numbers 1, 2, or 3,·as selector switches to perform different functions.· I will be using a switch statement in my source code to control which function is done depending on which selector button is pressed.· Are there any examples available that show how the keypad presses are read from the LK204-25 buffer, if not·an example would be greatly appreciated?· A simple example showing the commands needed to show·how a keypress is read and displayed would be sufficient.· Paralax p/n's include: 4x20 serial LCD with keypad interface 30058, 4x4 matrix keypad 27944, & Javelin stamp JS1-IC.
MO uses the same command values for its displays, so I expect
this to work with an LK204 also.
regards peter
We try to keep consistency in our products, especially the commands.
Best Regards,