Line following code?
Does anyone have some line follower code they would be willing to share? I have the Parallax Line follower module and have had some success with Jon Williams code (Thank You). I can read in the line and see it appear as a 5 bit integer. I have tried several ways to make the 5bit number trim/steer/control the servos but it seems very clunky and sporatic. I can only think that I am not handling or using the linefollower.class correctly. I am particularly looking for some code that will implement the linefollower.class (or other) and will follow complicated lines (ie a line that splits into two and how to follow say the left most or right most path).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My Stamp smells like its burning!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My Stamp smells like its burning!
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
Oh, also, do you have a class for the infrared module SSIR?
or·will the code that comes in the JBOT apps for infrared distance/object detector work? I really hate to keep bothering you about all this but I am on a steep learning curve and need some professional help!
My Stamp smells like its burning!