External timer
Posts: 20
I am trying to do background timing with the BS2, such as running a loop until a minute has passed. I have a PWMPAL, so if I can get something to pulse every second I can count it with that. The PWMPAL itself cannot provide the pulse because I am controlling four motors with it. Any suggestions? It has to be EXTREMELY light weight for my pusposes, and hopefully it won't be too expensive.
If so, how about hacking a AA battery mechanical clock module? Most hobby craft stores sell these
as a clock kit for $5 or so.
Here is a hack that I did ...the module produces one pulse every second with a 1.5V source.
I realize that you can't see much, but you can get a relative idea of size.
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
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(Communication Interface Division)
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
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Post Edited (Beau Schwabe) : 3/28/2005 2:24:10 AM GMT
the base of an NPN transistor.
You might still want to explore your options, there are several timer chips to choose from that might be a better solution
for your application. The clock module hack was just something I did because I had one lying around that had served it's
purpose as a mechanical clock. I certainly would not spend the $5 on a new clock module just to hack it when timer IC's
can be purchased for much less.
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
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(Communication Interface Division)
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Mail Stop GA1
Norcross,GA 30071
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This guy has a nice 8-pin co-processor which will give you a mostly rock-solid 50 mSec square wave. He has techniques on his web-site to use this square-wave in order to implement a real-time counter on the BS2. You need 8-pins of space for the 8-pin DIP, and a place to plug in the resonator.
In addition, it gives you an RS-232 recieve port which will buffer up some characters -- but you don't need to use it for that. $11.50, I believe, for a very nice package.