Boe-Bot Kit from RadioShack
Hi All,
Is the Boe-Bot kit from RadioShack the exact same one you get from Parallax's web site? The price difference between the two is pretty significant, which gives me the impression that the RadioShack version is not the whole kit.
Is the Boe-Bot kit from RadioShack the exact same one you get from Parallax's web site? The price difference between the two is pretty significant, which gives me the impression that the RadioShack version is not the whole kit.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
There is no difference whatsoever in the parts.· They both have the BASIC Stamp and Board of Education, chassis, servos, mechanical parts, Robotics with the Boe-Bot text etc.
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 3/23/2005 4:43:26 PM GMT
And Andy, thanks for your answer, I was wondering if RS was selling the "complete" kit with BS2, BOE, etc.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
I have both too! Trying a little experiment of a rudimentary IR remote, using the Homework board as the
transmitter, and the BOE recieving.. So-far, not too much luck.. i'm snafu'ing something in the code..
trying to send slow Serial I/O pulses with just simple 1-digit number data (a value from 1 to 5)
to the robot to either foward, backward, turn left, turn right, or beep.
The IR recievers just aren't getting the full data signal..
Any tips? suggestions, ideas, BESIDES keeping the BOE away from the chain maille?
Stephen (gelfling6)
I actually don't know how to get to this through our site, but the search term:
Weekend Special
in google helps me find the PDF.
YEP, Exactly what I was looking for!