·· Chapter 4 in the, "What's A Microcontroller?" text can help you out.· I would start out perusing the entire thing if you have time.
·· Bear in mind that, because you have a BS2P40, you will have to adjust the values for the PULSOUT statement used to control the servo.· The values listed are for the BS2.
I read this chapter befor but i need to now whit kind of adjust too do to the values for the PULSOUT and remember that my servo motor is hitec
HH-475 and thank you very much .
·· What sort of help do you need?· The message is just a little vague in that respect.·
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
·· Chapter 4 in the, "What's A Microcontroller?" text can help you out.· I would start out perusing the entire thing if you have time.
·· Bear in mind that, because you have a BS2P40, you will have to adjust the values for the PULSOUT statement used to control the servo.· The values listed are for the BS2.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I read this chapter befor but i need to now whit kind of adjust too do to the values for the PULSOUT and remember that my servo motor is hitec
HH-475 and thank you very much .
·· Since the BS2P is faster, the timing is different.· Generally you can multiply your PULSOUT durations by 2.5 for use on the BS2P.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support