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servos on a boe-bot — Parallax Forums

servos on a boe-bot

plutonium96plutonium96 Posts: 2
edited 2005-04-21 03:04 in General Discussion
confused.gif·i've been having trouble getting my javelin stamp to run my two servos correctly on my boe-bot.· I have tried it on both a javelin demo board and a basic board, and in both cases the methods servo.update(130,2304) and pulseOut(CPU.pin12,130)·reset the program, exiting my infinite loop and starting the entire program over again.· I know there isn't a problem with the servos because they work fine with my bs2 stamp... has anyone had this problem also?


  • Jon KeinathJon Keinath Posts: 146
    edited 2005-03-16 00:21
    it seems as if the javelin might be "browning out" and resetting, maybe you could try different power supplies for the servos and javelin and see if this solves the problem, at least to see if it's a code of power issue. It's just an idea.
  • plutonium96plutonium96 Posts: 2
    edited 2005-03-16 03:15
    thanks for the reply! i'm currently using the 6V (4x AA batt) mounted power supply from the boe-bot, and I have the Vm slot linked directly to a 5V Vdd slot. could it be that i'm supposed to place resistance between the Vdd and Vm? i haven't had any problems with programs that don't use the servos, only with the pulseOut and update methods.
  • Jon KeinathJon Keinath Posts: 146
    edited 2005-03-16 18:46
    You are correct in connecting Vm directly to Vdd, you don't need any resistance there. Have you tried a fresh set alkaline batteries?
  • Kevin B SlaterKevin B Slater Posts: 49
    edited 2005-04-21 03:04
    Sorry for the late reply haven't read the forums in a while.· This is a common problem when using the Javelin with servos.· Two solutions, I suggest using both.· First, use a separate power supply for the servos.· I suggest using a receiver pack from an R/C system if you have an extra one lying around, fortunately I did so that it what I use.· They can also be purchased separately at hobby stores and online.· Second install a 3300uF 16V·capacitor between Vdd and Vss, this will help even when not using servos.· Hope that helps.


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