igniter(for patato cannon)(all it has to do is make sparks but preferably an op
i need to make some·form of·an igniter·to light of hairsprayin a patato cannen. I need somthing that doesnt involve shortsercuiting anything like what you would do with a diod and a match. It needs to be reusable and wont fry the basic stamp. This will be mounted in a patato cannen (in concept).·
My personnal prefference for safety's sake is steam powered tater canons·
Be safe.
Post Edited (Jonb) : 3/11/2005 3:28:05 AM GMT
Be Carefull!!!
also hairspray gunks up everything after a while
we used to use either an air freshener
or If you want a real big boom aerosol ether
the potato flies far
make sure it is put together well
this can be a serious explosion!!!!
I used old 12v2.5ah gell cells from cam corders.. Worked great! Old tennis balls also work great, and fly far!
OK. Maybe that was a BAD idea BOOM!
I used to just use thin wire in my home made "bombs" back in the day. usually I'd just use a single strand of wire and apply power to it and the heat would ignite the gas or gun powder, etc.
Of course that's a one use ignitor. using a Hot Surface Ignitor would work, but delay until actual combustion would be variable.
I'd agree with the spark type. Maybe just thread in a fitting that will accept a standard Champion spark plug. that would be cheap.
Find some sort of coil setup to ignite it with. 4 AA batteries would probably work with a electronic circuit.
One more idea on the igniter.· I used igniters for Coleman lanterns.·It uses a Zippo flint and can be easily inserted into the end cap.
hmmm. boebot nerf assault vehicle mod... change out nerf launcher for propane powered patato cannons. I see the police pulling up now! LOL
Post Edited (Orion) : 3/11/2005 3:21:11 PM GMT
Post Edited (Jonb) : 3/12/2005 11:18:50 PM GMT
You express a need for an "electric" solution, as opposed to a manual, and the integration with a stamp, which implies some level of automation... I certainly hope you are not planning on building some form on computer controlled / automatic firing of a potato canon unless it is under direct supervision of a human. Potato canons can be fun, put they can also seriously injure, and I would think quite possibly kill. Please, whatever you are doing, make sure that you will be in direct control of the canon and firing mechanism. Also, be aware that any device which is fired based upon an outside trigger, not human initiated, could be deemed a man trap and is, as far as I know, illegal in most in not all states, at least in the US. Please be safe and sane.
Just a voice of reason...
Some of the ideas we used that turned out well....
A electronic ignition worked the best. The simplest setup for a spark plug is a coil, condenser, switch, plug and a battery. The coil raises the voltage level of the energy so it can jump the gap in the plug. One of the terminals on the coil is used for a firiing switch, the switch is hooked up to this pin.
Problems with this design - Please be carefull with that you ignite. Some of the chemicals we used actually blew the spark plug out of its threads. Don't stand behind the gun when firing.
WD-40 works pretty good, one of the best for the price. Don't use gasoline - EVER ! ! !
Believe it or not, compressed air worked very well. We had access to 250 PSI air, which proved to be more powerful than a explosive (In terms of projecticle distance).
Its worth the effort to build a stand and invest in a long wire for the swiitch. If someone gets hurt the fun is over big time.