thermistor and ADC
Posts: 11
I am trying to get a thermistor/ADC combo to get a temperature difference of .1 degrees.· I have to use the thermistor as part of the voltage divider and voltage range that is outputted by this divider is 3.1 to 4 vdc.· This doesn't show much deflection in the·ADC because the reference voltage is 5 volts.· The resistance of the thermistor varies from 85 deg (1700 ohms) to 68 deg (2500 ohms).· So no matter what resistor I use as the R1 of the voltage divider, I always get minimun deflection so I can't measure down to the .1 degree.· The ADC I use is an 0831 8 bit serial ADC.· I know if I get one with a higher resolution, it will work better but I was wondering if there was a better way than using a voltage divider, like maybe a transistor or an op-amp so that when the thermistor is at it's lowest resistance I will get close to 5 volts and when it is at it's highest resistance I will get close to 0 volts.· If I can figure that out, I can get down to the .1 degree.· I am not too sure if any will work better but there are smarter people than me out there.
If your voltage in is upto 4 volts I dont think using a reference lower than that will help. Your likely going to need a better interface circuitry to get the precision you want rather than a simple voltage divide, how about a bridge?
PS see my PM.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 3/10/2005 7:11:39 AM GMT
David·(basic info)·(detailed info)
and play with this vitual bridge circuit
The ADC0831 has differential inputs and a separate reference terminal.
You reported that the voltage goes from 3.1 to 4 volts with one divider you tried, as span of 0.9 volt. Let's go with that.
Use a potentiometer to apply 0.9 volt to the reference input, pin 5. The reference input has a fairly low resistance (~3.5 kohms) so you have to use a fairly low resistance potentiometer (5kohms or so) to make the adjustment.
Now, with a second potentiometer (10 kohms), apply 3.1 volts to the (-) input, pin 3.
Apply your signal from 3.1 to 4 volts to the (+) input, pin 2.
Viola' The digital output should now go from 0 to 255 as your input voltage goes from 3.1 to 4 volts.
It won't be too too accurate with that low a reference voltage, but you will get the resolution you need.
Tracy Allen
How precise is that thermistor? If its just a simple cheap kind from Rat Shack, then its not precise enough to give you 0.1C resolution. Of course you can measure the voltage with a 16bit ADC, and get 0.001C precision, but it doesnt mean anything in real life because the thermistor is just not accurate enough to provide that kind of resolution.
Boris: I haven't had much experience with thermistors to know how precise it is compared to others but the range of this thermistor that matters is 1700-2500 ohms which represents a temperature of·85 to·70.4 degrees.· This would get me about 54 ohms per deg (F).· Also, this would be about 5 ohms per .1 deg.
Thanks for everybody's help.
Post Edited (dreed75) : 3/13/2005 9:29:13 PM GMT
This assumes that your thermistor is linear.
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
(Communication Interface Division)
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Mail Stop GA1
Norcross,GA 30071
First off according to tracy's directions pin 3 should be at 3.1V, its the DC bias your subtracting from your signal, the value your concerned about is the digital one the converter produces, your digital value shoud be D= (Vin-Vdc)*Vref/256, where (Vin-Vdc)<Vref. I maybe slightly off on the equation since its from my head.
And I beleive Tracy is a guy, though I've never asked so I could be wrong, Tracy is the masculine (Tracy Byrd, Tracy McGrady) and Tracey is feminine (Tracey Ullman), but there are exceptions (Tracy Chapman).
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 3/12/2005 2:20:15 AM GMT
Tracy: I am sorry if you are a guy and I called you a girl.· I personally know like 3 Tracy's and they are all girls so it was natural for me to picture a girl.
Post Edited (dreed75) : 3/13/2005 9:28:29 PM GMT
The LM0831 data sheet has lots of example circuits at the end, and application notes. It always pays off _big time_ to get ahold of the data sheet (just google "LM0831 data sheet") and really look it over. National Semi is notable for having well written and accurate data sheets. There may also be a separate white paper of application notes.
Tracy Allen
But I canna change the laws of physics, Captain!