What exactly do I need for streaming video?
I want to use the boe-bot cam with my robot to transmit video between it and a stamp attached to my PC. Whats everything I need to do this? Right now I have:
2 transceivers
2 bs2's
1 boebot cam
2 transceivers
2 bs2's
1 boebot cam
Go to Radio shack....go to a "spy" store or surveillance company....
The stamps and SX's are great for controlling things...they're not like a DSP that would let you work video....but they could control the camera and motors quite nicely!
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
Honestly, if your camera is outputing in a format you can plug into the video in of a television, get a video transmitter/receiver and a TV card for your computer. I have a couple and they work fine if the card your plugging into is sufficiently tolerant of the signal it recieves, one set I have to feed through my VCR before sending it to the computer because the video is too fast and loose with the timings, but the VCR cleans it up to where the TV card reads it just fine.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 3/9/2005 7:12:14 PM GMT