has anyone tried epboard.com? solder mask? and soldering uSOP packages?
Just wondering if anyone has tried epboard.com, and more specifically, they're prototyping IC adapters.
They don't seem to mention if they they're boards already have solder on the connections or not (is this called solder mask)?
Also, how do I solder such small packages such as the uSOP ones? The pins have a pitch of 0.5mm!!
They don't seem to mention if they they're boards already have solder on the connections or not (is this called solder mask)?
Also, how do I solder such small packages such as the uSOP ones? The pins have a pitch of 0.5mm!!
for a video demonstrating this http://www.howardelectronics.com/navigate/videoclips.html·(its the 3rd video).
a solder mask prevents solder from leaving the pad area, some places will place a thin layer of solder on the pads, but this isn't for soldering the pins on, its to make the solder you use flow and bond quickly with the pad. I actually find that soldering .5 mm pins is easier than .85 mm pins because the pins are about twice as small and therefore heat very quickly alowing the solder to bond to the pin and pad quickly. Getting the chip lined up is the key as well as the other points in the post I refered to. To make the adapter secure when your solding the chip on it, plug it into a breadboard first.
What was the liquid the person poured over the pins in the film?
You can use a less expensive soldering iron but the key is the tip. The one used in the video is called a mini-wave tip and you can get it here www.howardelectronics.com/xytronic/tips.html
More info in this thread http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php?p=523204
Addendum, nevermind I see your refering to the JBC AD2700, yeah they're pricey
If I had my druthers Id get this http://www.howardelectronics.com/xytronic/988dtp.html
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 3/7/2005 3:58:25 AM GMT
I'll go over to my local electronics store and see if any of them are willing to help out a teenager [noparse]:)[/noparse].