Large lcd screen
Does anyone know of a large LCD screen for use with parallax? I want to build a clock for my mother-in-law. I want large print and I need to backlight the screen. I am going to program the backlight to automatically dim at a predetermined hour. I may even pre-progam some messages for her. She is in early stage alzheimers and I want to help her with Time, day and date.
Does anyone know of a large LCD screen for use with parallax? I want to build a clock for my mother-in-law. I want large print and I need to backlight the screen. I am going to program the backlight to automatically dim at a predetermined hour. I may even pre-progam some messages for her. She is in early stage alzheimers and I want to help her with Time, day and date.
I checked out the clock. That is what I have in mind. Partly I am doing this just because I can. My main thrust is to have certain messages on the clock telling her the specifics about the time of day. She gets confused about morning and night. I want to be able to have messages on the screen telling her its bedtime, early morning, afternoon and so forth. I would like to be able to have her appt. dates show up also.
I may actually buy the clock on that page, then just make a message scroll tied into an internal clock in the circuit. If I end up making the whole clock I will probably add the temp function to it. Thanks for the input.
Let us know how it goes.
I think I will go with the Parallax suggested parts (always the smart thing when in a bind). Instead of all information on the screen at once I am going to "pageinate" (did I spell that right??) the information. In other words the screen will flash the information for short periods of time. MONDAY will flash for about three seconds MARCH 7 would go next and so on. The local PBS shows Lawrence Welk on saturday nights, I may throw in a piezo and have a 10 minute warning of sorts. I will need to add a buton to defeat the beeping in case she's napping.
Did I mention to you all that this came to me in my sleep. My mother-in-law has been wandering in the wee hours. I had the situation on my mind before napping one afternoon and voila! a new application for parallax products was born.
You might want to look at the litebrite or britelite at· It shows 14 characters that are 2 inches high. If you search around, you can find the code to drive it using a basic stamp.·· Cost is about $140.· It is pretty nice and should be okay for your application.·· The code is pretty straightforward by the way.