Servo controller with the javelin stamp booting issue
I am using 2 servo controllers with the javelin stamp and I am having peculiar problems with booting up the system. I am using 8 servos on one controller and 9 on the other. These servos are large ones which can draw up to 800 mA each when turning. I know the limit is 10A per controller and I am using a 12 A 5v supply for everything.
The strange behavior is that when I boot the system (note I added a delay in the javelin to give the servo controllers time to boot) there is a sudden jerk. After power on and the initial jerk, if there are more than 10 servos connected to the system the servo controllers respond to the javelin (reporting position for example) but the servos do not move. With less than 10 servos the system boots and runs fine, I can even then connect the rest of the servos and the system will continue to work.
Has anyone seen similar behavior or know what is going on? More importantly does anyone have any ideas of what to try?
The strange behavior is that when I boot the system (note I added a delay in the javelin to give the servo controllers time to boot) there is a sudden jerk. After power on and the initial jerk, if there are more than 10 servos connected to the system the servo controllers respond to the javelin (reporting position for example) but the servos do not move. With less than 10 servos the system boots and runs fine, I can even then connect the rest of the servos and the system will continue to work.
Has anyone seen similar behavior or know what is going on? More importantly does anyone have any ideas of what to try?
I don't have my code with me, but I will post it tonight when I get home if someone doesn't beat me to it.
Thanks alot...I'll be waiting!!! but Im still trying also
This is the basic structure of the program. Of course You will have to define the variables and actually make the code do something.
I have attached a sample program that will move a servo in (port 0 with the PSC on pin 13) back and forth from 0* to 180*. I also have the code for increasing the baud speed, if you need that I can post that also (I plan to soon post it on my website too).
If you have any questions just ask, I'll be happy to answer them if I can.
Note I commented out the backlash handeling. This has been very stable.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to email me.
Hope this helps
the initalizer is
Servo( int servoChannel )
Servo( int servoChannel, int zeroPosition, int limit ) where zeroPosition is the center and limit is in degrees
operations are
int setPosition( int newPosition )
boolean finished( )