Delayed timer
I'm out of pins on a BS2 project on working on.· I have·8 devices that fire off in pairs with embedded delays.· In each pair, pin 1 goes low first.· After 800 ms pin 2 goes low.· 300 ms later pin 2 goes high.· Finally after another 900 ms, pin 1 goes high.· The actual delay times may vary.· The original concept required these 8 pins plus 6 others.· Now I need 3 more pins for a grand total of 17.· That's one too many for my stamp.· Does anyone have any recommedations on how I can split the output from a single pin that is coded to run for 1700ms to·power one prop on the whole time and run the other for 300 ms·after a 800 ms delay?· Each pair will run repeatedly.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA