Free Tools for PCB Design
Here's a link to some free tools for printed circuit board design
I've used the Pentalogix Viewmate gerber viewer for years to do a quick check on designs (even though I have professional tools at my disposal) and just found out about the IPC-7351 land pattern viewer yesterday. the IPC-7351 contains all the dimensions for 677 standard SMT packages - which is very helpful if you don't want to keep a folder of data sheets for all your parts.
I've used the Pentalogix Viewmate gerber viewer for years to do a quick check on designs (even though I have professional tools at my disposal) and just found out about the IPC-7351 land pattern viewer yesterday. the IPC-7351 contains all the dimensions for 677 standard SMT packages - which is very helpful if you don't want to keep a folder of data sheets for all your parts.

Check out· the "SX-Video Display Module"
In my spare time...Ha Ha Ha
Check out· the "SX-Video Display Module"