Downloading to BS2sx
Posts: 1
Hello everybody,
I've got a question about the software basic stamp editor, and the way used to download program from host PC to the BS2SX (with serial port). Indeed, download a program··with basic stamp editor modifies setting of the serial port.
when you start a PC, the settings are·:
Status for device COM1:
··· Baud:··········· 9600
··· Parity:········· None
··· Data Bits:······ 8
··· Stop Bits:······ 1
··· Timeout:········ OFF
··· XON/XOFF:······· OFF
··· CTS handshaking: OFF
··· DSR handshaking: OFF
··· DSR sensitivity: OFF
··· DTR circuit:···· ON
··· RTS circuit:···· ON
And after the download of program,·settings for serial port are :
··Status for device COM1:
··· Baud:··········· 9600
··· Parity:········· None
··· Data Bits:······ 8
··· Stop Bits:······ 1
··· Timeout:········ ON
··· XON/XOFF:······· OFF
··· CTS handshaking: OFF
··· DSR handshaking: OFF
··· DSR sensitivity: OFF
··· DTR circuit:···· OFF
··· RTS circuit:···· OFF
So DTR circuit and RTS circuit become OFF!
I would like to know how Basic Stamp Editor could modify these settings with windows XP. I know how to modify other settings like Baudrate,parity...but nothing about DTR circuit and RTS circuit. I need to do that with VC++.
I know you're not a Microsoft Win XP support, but· I use a programmatic reset of the BS2SX by modifying the state of the DTR line of the serial port. I can't use this programmatic reset if DTR circuit and RTS circuit are ON, so each time I restart my PC, I must download the prog from Basic Stamp Editor to BS2SX to modify serial port settings (DTR circuit and RTS circuit are OFF after) and only after that I can use properly Programmatic Reset of the BS2SX...And I can't write/erase indfinitely the memory of the BS2SX...
Thank you for your answer
Post Edited By Moderator (Jon Williams) : 3/2/2005 2:24:37 PM GMT
I've got a question about the software basic stamp editor, and the way used to download program from host PC to the BS2SX (with serial port). Indeed, download a program··with basic stamp editor modifies setting of the serial port.
when you start a PC, the settings are·:
Status for device COM1:
··· Baud:··········· 9600
··· Parity:········· None
··· Data Bits:······ 8
··· Stop Bits:······ 1
··· Timeout:········ OFF
··· XON/XOFF:······· OFF
··· CTS handshaking: OFF
··· DSR handshaking: OFF
··· DSR sensitivity: OFF
··· DTR circuit:···· ON
··· RTS circuit:···· ON
And after the download of program,·settings for serial port are :
··Status for device COM1:
··· Baud:··········· 9600
··· Parity:········· None
··· Data Bits:······ 8
··· Stop Bits:······ 1
··· Timeout:········ ON
··· XON/XOFF:······· OFF
··· CTS handshaking: OFF
··· DSR handshaking: OFF
··· DSR sensitivity: OFF
··· DTR circuit:···· OFF
··· RTS circuit:···· OFF
So DTR circuit and RTS circuit become OFF!
I would like to know how Basic Stamp Editor could modify these settings with windows XP. I know how to modify other settings like Baudrate,parity...but nothing about DTR circuit and RTS circuit. I need to do that with VC++.
I know you're not a Microsoft Win XP support, but· I use a programmatic reset of the BS2SX by modifying the state of the DTR line of the serial port. I can't use this programmatic reset if DTR circuit and RTS circuit are ON, so each time I restart my PC, I must download the prog from Basic Stamp Editor to BS2SX to modify serial port settings (DTR circuit and RTS circuit are OFF after) and only after that I can use properly Programmatic Reset of the BS2SX...And I can't write/erase indfinitely the memory of the BS2SX...
Thank you for your answer
Post Edited By Moderator (Jon Williams) : 3/2/2005 2:24:37 PM GMT
1. Create a Handle to the port with
LocHandle = CreateFile(PortName, GEN_READ + GEN_WRITE, _
where "PortName" is like "COM1", "COM2", etc.
2. Control the pins with:
RetVal = EscapeCommFunction(PortHandle, Cmd)
where "PortHandle" is the "LocHandle" created above, and Cmd is one of:
' Function command values...
So, to set RTS OFF, use (PortHandle, 4). To set RTS ON, use (PortHandle, 3).