Com Port
I try to connect another 9 pin com port, because the location of the 2nd com port doesn't fit in my layout. If I connect through the 2nd com port I can comunicate hooking up pin 2 and 3 for rx and tx only.· However I haven't figured out how·to comunicate without this port. I have pin 2, 3 and 5 for ground. What am I missing?
· Thank you, Rudy
· Thank you, Rudy
regards peter
· Thanks, Rudy
JIDE port (the programming com port)
COM port (the 2nd com port)
MyCOM port (your new DB9 female connector)
I assume you want to use the Sipex level converter
that is connected to the COM port.
Best way is to solder a short male/female DB9 1:1 cable with 3 wires: 2, 3
and 5
then connect this extension cable to the COM port. Your free DB9 female
connector you can then place where you want it.
To do without the male DB9:
Solder 3 wires on your DB9 female connector on pins 2,3 and 5.
Then solder the other ends of these wires to the identical pins
at the COM port on the bottom side of the Javelin board.
You need to have two shortlink wires from pins 2 and 3 on connector X4
to P0 and P1 (or other if you want) on connector X1.
Then you must define Uarts for the two pins you used.
regards peter
· Thanks again, Rudy