Saving then Restoring the current BANK setting
Hi all,
Does anyone know what is the best method of saving then restoring the current BANK setting ? I change banks within
a subroutine and would like to restore to the current bank used by the calling program, when returning from the subroutine.
I could just issue a BANK instruction in the the main code after the CALL instruction, but I'd like to treat the subroutine as a 'blackbox'
where no changes are made to important registers.
Many thanks,
Does anyone know what is the best method of saving then restoring the current BANK setting ? I change banks within
a subroutine and would like to restore to the current bank used by the calling program, when returning from the subroutine.
I could just issue a BANK instruction in the the main code after the CALL instruction, but I'd like to treat the subroutine as a 'blackbox'
where no changes are made to important registers.
Many thanks,
Check out· the "SX-Video Display Module"
Treat the globals like a precious resource - because they are. I'm not familiar with your level of programming experience, but the convenience of the globals is quickly outweighed by their scarcity. Most of what I'm going to mention is assembly oriented, but SX/B programmers should find useful info as well.
One key to SX programming is grouping variables into banks. If you just toss any old variable into any old bank, you'll fgind yourself setting banks all over your code, making the code more brittle and prone to failure. Try and think about logical groups for the variables to be in, and organize them. It will mean less bank commands, and sub-routines that can simply access variables since the ones they need will usually be in the same bank.
A helpful trick is to use an equ to set a name for the bank so your code reads in more like English. Here's some mock code setting up some variables for serial communications:
You code becomes easier to read because you can write this:
instead of this:
Another good trick is to use bit variables wherever possible. I often set up a global "flags" variable so that I have 8 bit flags I can use anywhere in my program without any bank switches. Set separate names for those bit flags so they are easy to read and understand in your code. For example:
Globals make it quicker to write something, but usually make it a real pain to maintain or modify in the future. The time spent up front organizing banks of variables pays off as the project grows in size. Also, don't be afraid to set up banks as needed. I often create a new bank that only contains a variable or two because those vars don't really belong anywhere else. Sometimes I'll find that new vars pop up which fit with those, and sometimes I move them into other pre-existing banks; a lot depends on how the project evolves.
Thanks, PeterM
I've been using a similar (but not as good) technique that you have described. I like the variables allocation
checking, I'll implement it in my template.
I was working rather "free n easy" with allocating variables to the GLOBAL range and so I will take care where
they go in future - I now only have TempW, TempFSR and 3 memory management variables in the GLOBALS.
I come from a Z80,68000,80486 background and so I am getting used to the RISC processor
configuration of the SX !
Many thanks for your help.
Yeah, I came from the 6502, 68HC11, and 80806 world of assembly, so I know what you mean. Many is the time I curse the SX and the "CPU-designer-on-drugs" architecture it has, only to get the code working and marvel at how bad-*** fast it is. Programming the SX in assembly is something that takes a little bit of work to wrap your head around. Good with the bad, I guess...
hanks, PeterM