RS232-Settings for System.out.println()?
Hi, everyone.
Can somebody tell me if its possible to receive the serial messages produced by the statement system.out.println() with a standard prog like terminal.exe or hyperterminal (i.e. without the Javeline-IDE).
I already tried different settings (baudrate, parity, etc..) and googled a lot but no success. I do only receive useless signs. Which settings for the·rs232-port do I need·need?
Can somebody tell me if its possible to receive the serial messages produced by the statement system.out.println() with a standard prog like terminal.exe or hyperterminal (i.e. without the Javeline-IDE).
I already tried different settings (baudrate, parity, etc..) and googled a lot but no success. I do only receive useless signs. Which settings for the·rs232-port do I need·need?
The system.out port goes to what used to be the 'debug' port on the BS2, right?
The Javelin has a single-stepping debugger, which uses this port. As a consequence, there's lots of hand-shaking kinds of data flowing over this port. To make a long story short -- you can't use the built-in debug serial port as a stand-alone serial port -- there's too much data flying back and forth.
This is why the Javelin development board has TWO DB-9 connectors and a MAX232. One to use for debugging, and one to use as a general purpose RS-232 UART port.
I was disappointed when I learned this (haven't touched the Javelin since). I'd be glad if it was not true.
The baudrate is 28800, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stopbit.
You must filter out any 03h, 05h and 7Fh, so as long
as you just send text using System.out you're fine.
Serialsniffer can change 3 received bytesequences into
something else (in thiis case nothing).
The demo version only allows to receive 1024 bytes
which is sufficient for test purposes.
regards peter