Clarification of SX design contest rules wanted
Can someone tell me if I absolutely have to use the Parallax SX-Tech (SX-Key) development system to develop my entry for the SX design contest? The contest rules at don't say anything about the SX Tech Toolkit, but does... I'm confused.. if it's a requirement to use the SX Tech kit, shouldn't that have been mentioned on the main rules page?
I've been using an SV-TEHS SX-TIPS-DEV (with Realtime Emulator Module) and SASM to develop my entry. I'm about 80% done - hardware is breadboarded and working, just need to get the firmware tweaked and debugged.
Can someone tell me if I absolutely have to use the Parallax SX-Tech (SX-Key) development system to develop my entry for the SX design contest? The contest rules at don't say anything about the SX Tech Toolkit, but does... I'm confused.. if it's a requirement to use the SX Tech kit, shouldn't that have been mentioned on the main rules page?
I've been using an SV-TEHS SX-TIPS-DEV (with Realtime Emulator Module) and SASM to develop my entry. I'm about 80% done - hardware is breadboarded and working, just need to get the firmware tweaked and debugged.
The tool vendor does not matter in this case. You can use any tool you desire. We're showcasing the SX here, not the tools, so your SV-TEHS tool choice is fine. As for the development board approach, you should be able to make up some point through professionalism wiht other aspects (code, documentation, etc.).
Don't let that deter you. So far we've received only one entry, so I'm really hoping more designers submit their projects by Monday midnight.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
I would love to enter except I have been very busy working on a sumobot for the robolympics ;-)
Maybe you could do a fear factor type of thing were the single person who entered gets a little something the you repost the contest over again, for everybody?
Its a great product and it is very powerful.
Anyway, I've got until about 11PM tonight to get the board done and get the firmware blitzed and mailed off. It's now, what, 11AM GMT - plenty of time [noparse]:)[/noparse]
(Depressingly, this matters since the entire weekend was spent working, not finishing my entry...)
Thursday looks likely. Maybe the whole of Thursday [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Check out· the "SX-Video Display Module"
You're making it really easy for the submittals we received!
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
I know that sleep deprivation's kicking in, but am I about to miss the deadline for no good reason?
Let me just say don't try to use WinCUPL unless you've got massive amounts of time and infinite patience, I spent a week trying to deal with that infernal program and the associated fitter, they both seem to want thier own way of doing things which I can't seem to line up. Plus the fact that although there is copious documentation, it only spells things out in general terms and most of the example programs provided, compile nicely under WinCUPL, but the fitter, well it throws a fit, and·despite the name, thats not what its supposed to do.
Im still going to work on it till its done, cause in the end Ill have a sweet @ss full featured,·50Mhz (75MHz·via external clock)·Logic Analyzer to show for it. I'll probably post the completed project in the projects forum and sell my remaining 2 PCB's to any interested parties.
But now Im going to turn in, cause the end of the quarter is quickly approaching and I have alot more work to do before then. My only regret with this whole experience was burning 4 vacation days trying to complete it, oh well not like I had any trips planned for the near future.
Gnight, and good luck to those of you still racing against the clock to get yours in.
But it will get done - mark my words.
However, it's left the building, not bounced back, and dawn is breaking here in sunny (ha!) Cambridge. I'm off to bed. Got to be at work in, err, an hour and a half [noparse]:)[/noparse]
'night, all...
(and the moral has to be - probably don't leave it all until the weekend next time, especially if customers are going to want me to work through [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I hate Dialup - Yes I still have a Dialup connection at the house....
8.5Megs ---Uploading...Uploading...Uploading... 250K to go.....Uploading.....SPLAT!!!! connection reset by peer!!!
Blaahhhhhh! double Arghhhhhh!!!!
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
(Communication Interface Division)
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Mail Stop GA1
Norcross,GA 30071
Paul's last rant about the prediciment he got himself into.
If this contest has taught me only one thing, it's probably that I ought to seriously investigate SX/B for future projects.
Life's just too short to be juggling assembly, unless I do it daily (which I don't, and, frankly, hope not to evereverever)
Since Parallax people seem to be getting good results with it on code size / density, and since I'm not needing to wring the last cycles out of my chip (yet), it looks to be a no-brainer. Shame I didn't work this ought _before_ making my life hard. Hey ho, all good, character-forming fun, I guess...
However, I think that any spare time I get soon will be spent reimplementing my project in SX/B - easier now I know better what I'm coding, but even so, I suspect it'll be another bunch of learning, which was kind of the point of the exercise for me [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Received both of your projects in tact. Looking good, too! I'm sure it was worth your effort.
Beau's project came in via Jon Williams since my e-mail (or his) was acting up.
Nice work, guys!
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Anyway, I hope I at least get an honourable mention for my efforts.. I've burned this weeks' supply of Midnight Oil already, and I need some more. That and I broke a set of multimeter probes and ended up spending £35 on a new set (not to mention clumsily smashing the plastic display protector on my mobile phone).
C'est la vie I guess.