LCD Experts
Posts: 101
I am trying to understand how one of the LCD commands works.· I am using a 2x8 parallel display.· The command I am trying to make sense out of is Set DDRAM Address.· According to the manual, the command %1AAAAAAA sends the cursor to the address indicated by AAAAAAA.· The manual also states that upon startup, the DDRAM addresses which are visible within the display are 00-07 and 40-47.· So, if I send the command %10000101, and then send the character "T", I will have a "T" in·DDRAM 05.· This command works perfectly well until I get into the second register.· If I send the command %10101000, followed by the character "T", I will get a "T" in the first position of the second register, or DDRAM 40.· But if I increase the command number by 1, I get the same results as before.· In fact, I can continually increase the number all the way up to %11000000 without any change.· According to the manual, this should be writing in DDRAM 64, but it is writing in DDRAM 40.· Now, if I continue to increment my command number from %11000000, then the LCD begins writing in the right register.· It seems that the left register (DDRAM 0 to 39) is mapped to command %10000000 to %10100111.· And this is obvious because bits 0-6 of that command equal 0 and 39.· But the right register seems to be mapped to %11000000 to
%11100111.· This does not seem to match up with what the manual says.· Can anyone explain how the addresses are mapped to the Set DDRAM Address command?
%11100111.· This does not seem to match up with what the manual says.· Can anyone explain how the addresses are mapped to the Set DDRAM Address command?
symantics errors in programming world means, program logic error.
if yyou post your code here, maybe we can tell.
So would this be a "syntax error" or a "symantics error" ?
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
(Communication Interface Division)
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Mail Stop GA1
Norcross,GA 30071
·Thanks for the offer, but as I mentioned in the previous email, I found the idiosyncracy in the command.
Can you post a link to the manual, so we are all on the same page?
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
(Communication Interface Division)
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Mail Stop GA1
Norcross,GA 30071
I hope this is as useful to you as it has been to me.