How do TV remote ICs work
Hi Guys
Where can I get a spec on IR Detector/Decoder chips?
Where can I get examples of the codes transmitted by Remote Controls?
Unfortunately, the IR detector chip I’m using is a gray component (not the color, a “No Name” part with no markings). It works well with my TV remote and a Stamp and outputs the code as a pulse train consisting of 25 millisecond and 50 millisecond pulses and spaces (seems to be 6 pulses, 7 spaces).
When I try to drive the IR IC using an IR LED and a 555 to modulate it to +- 35K. It only just works (range 300mm or 12 inches). I don’t have an oscilloscope so I’m groping in the dark
Kind regards from Kwa Dukuza
John Bond
Where can I get a spec on IR Detector/Decoder chips?
Where can I get examples of the codes transmitted by Remote Controls?
Unfortunately, the IR detector chip I’m using is a gray component (not the color, a “No Name” part with no markings). It works well with my TV remote and a Stamp and outputs the code as a pulse train consisting of 25 millisecond and 50 millisecond pulses and spaces (seems to be 6 pulses, 7 spaces).
When I try to drive the IR IC using an IR LED and a 555 to modulate it to +- 35K. It only just works (range 300mm or 12 inches). I don’t have an oscilloscope so I’m groping in the dark
Kind regards from Kwa Dukuza
John Bond
For the Encoder/Decoder chips:
Also check the Projects section. Lots of good information. Much of it written for PIC's, but the information applies equally to Stamps. There·are also Stamp related projects.
You might also want to check out Parallax's IR Remote for the Boe-Bot ( A lot of usefull information there.
Kenny Gardner
GAP Development Company
The Rentron Site has eveything I need. I was pulsing the IR LED continiously. It works with bursts of frequency of between 6 an 70 cycles. Rentcon also have encoder/decoder chips which will be useful
Kind Regards from Kwa Dukuza
John Bond