Exceeding the WORD value on a BS2
I am using the BS2 in my project and I need to store my altitude which exceeds 65535 feet.· The output format of my GPS using NMEA 0183 is -9999.9 to 99999.9.· I chose·to use the·NMEA format because that is the default on Garmins GPS18 and I only want to use one I/O pin.
I have looked over several codes version from Jon Williams GPS articles but I haven't seen one address altitude and they all seem to use the BS2p.
Hoping someone can help me out!
I have looked over several codes version from Jon Williams GPS articles but I haven't seen one address altitude and they all seem to use the BS2p.
Hoping someone can help me out!
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
and not to any stratospheric endevours on my part or on the web pages. I see you have worked it out by dealing in meters instead of feet, and that is a fine way to do it. If by some chance you do want to convert meters to feet and keep to a resolution of 1 foot, there are indeed ways to do it.
Paul Verhage is a Stamper who is involved with high altitude ballooning:
Tracy Allen