Speaking of copyright laws (CPLD Development kit)
I am contemplating creating a low cost CPLD development package for Atmels line of CPLDs (44PLCC and 84PLCC) for users of this forum. I would like to bundle all elements nessesary for logic design using these devices including Atmel's freely availible WinCUPL software, I will not be charging for the incorperation of this, only to cover the cost of the CDR itself. The price will cover the cost of the programming cable, development board, assembly (kit will also be availible), and a small markup to make the effort worthwhile. Since I would charge money for this venture, am I prohibited for incorporating the the free software even though I am not charging for that software (the kit will include a CDR regardless because I plan on creating a library of·74XX devices uses can drop into thier programs for rapid development). I know·the people at atmel are the proper people to ask this question to, but I thought maybe·the folks at parallax (or other forum members) could give some guidance on this issue themselves.
Additionally I have included a poll to gauge interest in the venture.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 2/15/2005 3:18:35 PM GMT
Additionally I have included a poll to gauge interest in the venture.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 2/15/2005 3:18:35 PM GMT
The license agreement which is displayed at install time specifically states that it is licensed for a single CPU and may not be copied. Additionally there appear to be export controls. It sounds like it would be safest to have people directly download it themselves from Atmel. You could try contacting them and ask to distribute it. Who knows, they might say yes.