please put an end to the "(No Subject)" threads
Would you all be able to disable people from posting unless there's a title? Maybe you could have a little screen that pops up that says "Please create a subject", if the person clicks submit without creating a subject line, and redirect them to their "New Post" screen without disturbing what they've previously typed.
What do you think?
Would you all be able to disable people from posting unless there's a title? Maybe you could have a little screen that pops up that says "Please create a subject", if the person clicks submit without creating a subject line, and redirect them to their "New Post" screen without disturbing what they've previously typed.
What do you think?
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
I think I know what I'm doing...
I need to write a tiny JavaScript to check the length of the subject field text. If it's zero, we raise an alert on the browser to fill in the subject field. When it's in place, one cannot submit a post unless there is something - anything - in the subject field. Ideally, we want more than a single character. Maybe we should make the minimum length four or five characters.
It sounds easy enough, but the client-side scripts are a bit on the busy side. My list is looking like the scroll St. Peter uses at the pearly gates to admit newcomers. And that's just for the forums.
Parallax IT Dept.
The tasks of a chosen one are never few.
Name: Bruce Clemens
Good Stuff on my Bolg:
Parallax IT Dept.