18-wire servo???!!!
I was digging through a box of motors my uncle gave me the other day when I found this monstrosity. This thing is an "API Gettys 'Turbo Servo Motor". I found it really surprising that it has 18 wires. All of the wires are coming out of a single hole in the back of the servo. The wires are all about a foot long and heat shrunk togeather at the bottom near the motor itself. From there 9 of them are bundled togeather with a grey shielding.
The colors are: blue, yellow, green. orange, white, black, red, brown, and one is uncoated. The rest of the wires are not shielded, but all coated individually And are: Dk Green, Lt Green, brown, black, Dk Blue, Lt Blue, orange, red, yellow.
The reason I mentioned this thing it because I am wondering if anyone knows how I might go about using it. It's a large motor, probably about 4 1/2" long and 3" wide. The shaft is about 1/3" in diameter.
thank you,
Justin W.
The colors are: blue, yellow, green. orange, white, black, red, brown, and one is uncoated. The rest of the wires are not shielded, but all coated individually And are: Dk Green, Lt Green, brown, black, Dk Blue, Lt Blue, orange, red, yellow.
The reason I mentioned this thing it because I am wondering if anyone knows how I might go about using it. It's a large motor, probably about 4 1/2" long and 3" wide. The shaft is about 1/3" in diameter.
thank you,
Justin W.
My earlier snarkiness removed.
I recommend a Google search first.
Thanks, PeterM
Post Edited (PJMonty) : 2/14/2005 8:31:49 PM GMT
Believe me when I say that I am one of the biggest jerks when it comes to telling people to use google in rude ways as you just have, so I am not going to flip out on you this time, but trust me, I do not post to this forum unless I have already searched google to its end. Mabe you should have taken a closer look at my question. I did not ask for a place where I could buy one of these, I asked for help or documentation.
Does the motor have any part numbers on it? That might help.
BTW, That's a great avatar. Where did you get it?
As far as my avatar goes, I got it from a NASA article on ifrared light here: imagers.gsfc.nasa.gov/ems/infrared.html. I really wasn't interested in the article, but I thought the cat was cool [noparse]:)[/noparse].
I appreciate your hurt feelings because I was snarky. However, try and appreciate why I was snarky. The way to get the information you want is on the first page of the Google search. On the the right hand side under "Sponsored Links" is this little URL:
I recommend you go there. In order to prevent any more problems, here's the link on the Getty's site that you'll want:
That is the contact page on the website. Finally, I'll provide a little more information that I was able to get by doing some simple legwork. On that contact page is the following info:
Fax: 262.637.8400
David Hansen Vice President - Sales and Marketing 495
Rudy Pugel Sales Manager - Legacy Products 460
Linda Richmond Inside Sales Coordinator 413
Lisa Woodward Inside Sales Coordinator 474
Gary Veenstra Applications Engineer 448
The numbers at the end are the phone extensions of the people in question.
Is there anything more I can do to help? Personally, I think that I have done more than my fair share in this transaction. I have provided the terms for a Google search, as well searched the results to find the information for you. I have provided the links to both the company that makes the motor as well as the contact page on their website. Finally, I cut and pasted the contact info and put it on this post.
At this point, it's up to you to either search their website in more detail, or to make the phone calls and talk to someone who might be able to give you more information. You could also consider calling Minarik (the distributor from my first post) and see if they can help you. Most distributors are not that technically astute, but they might have some technical info they can pass on, or be able to steer you to the company itself.
Was I snarky? You bet. The reason is that in probably the same amount of time it took you to write your first and second posts, I was able to locate the company that makes your motor. I apologize if I hurt your feelings when I was tough on you, but I don't appreciate having to prove that you can find this information yourself.
Thanks, PeterM
PS - Some folks are unfamiliar with the word "snarky." I did a Google seach to find a definition for anyone who doesn't know the word:
I'd be inclined to do an old fashion thing. I'd telephone Minarik and ask for their help. Maybe then can help, maybe they can't. If they can't, maybe that service company can help. Given that it is probably an older model there may not be anything around anymore. But you can hope.
Sorry for seeming like a total idiot, but you shouldn't automatically assume that I did not thoroughly look at everything I could find on google. I even did some searches on the serial number and found a multitude of pages where you can buy and order these, and looked at everything I was capable of accessing. So i'm saying it was very nice of you to dig up those pages for me, but the way you presented them could have been a little more friendly.
-Justin W.
ps. I did end up accessing the PDF's, but it involved searching through the source code of the page which you linked.
The reason I mentioned this thing it because I am wondering if anyone knows how I might go about using it.
In my opinion a perfectly valid question for this forum.
I think PeterM was way out of line.
Sure, we can all Google, and we can all probably find the phone numbers of contact persons at companies that make products we have found in junk boxes and flea markets. And maybe with a few phone calls, emails or letters we could find out what we need to know. But if we can't post a simple query to this group to ask if any other members have had experience with something without getting a hot-tempered flame in reply, the point of this forum is lost.
Snarky? just say it like it was- impatient and disrespectful.
Name: Bruce Clemens
Work:· Clemensb@otc.edu
Good Stuff on my Bolg: http://theDeadBug.journalspace.com
Name: Bruce Clemens
Work:· Clemensb@otc.edu
Good Stuff on my Bolg: http://theDeadBug.journalspace.com
As the old saying goes, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
-Justin W.
ps. Dead Bug: thank you for the post, and for being sensitive about my name.
I got some great advice from Steve_b in a private message - he basically said that if I found the question annoying (for whatever reason, right or wrong), then either skip it or come back later when I was in a better mood. He's right. I answered your post in a PO'ed state of mind and took it out on you. I should have simply walked away. As I mentioned in my second post in this thread, I apologize for hurting your feelings. Under my new question answering policy, it won't happen again because I'll either skip the question or give you the answer I found when I'm feeling more mellow.
Thanks, PeterM
PS - No idea why I called you Justin. Brain fart, I guess.
Justin W.
P.S. we all have bad days. No worries.
[noparse][[/noparse]edit] oh, and thanks steve_b, you helped us both it appears! [noparse][[/noparse]/edit]
Post Edited (Whelzorn) : 2/14/2005 2:18:43 PM GMT