sx wordfile for ultraedit
heres a wordfile i made up for syntax highlighting while editing sx asm source code with ultraedit.
i like ultraedit since it can be used for developing in many different languages.
feel free to add/update it and to put it on for others to have access to it.
for information on wordfiles, check ultraedit's site (
i like ultraedit since it can be used for developing in many different languages.
feel free to add/update it and to put it on for others to have access to it.
for information on wordfiles, check ultraedit's site (
thank you for posting the wordfile - I also like UltraEdit.
BTW, I have assigned another color (red) to all skip instructions as a reminder that the next instruction must not be a multi-word instruction.
Greetings from Germany,
maybe also use a different colour for 'multi-word-instructions'
did u want to either add these, or post your updated file here and i'll update the changes?
hey, this is another good idea - as I already have changed the color for skip instructions, I volunteer to also add the changes for multi-word instructions. Please give me a day, or two to get that done, and I'll post the resutls here.
Greetings from Germany,
unfortunately, I believe multi-word instructions can't be given another color in UltraEdit because some keywords may generate single- or multi-word instructions, like mov w, #lit, mov fr, w (single) but mov fr1, fr2, mov fr, #lit (multi).
Therefore, the attached wordfile only assigns a different color to skip instructions.
Greetings from Germany,