"california dreaming" on sxlist
the html page that contains the source code for the usb device "california dreaming" seems to be displaying the source incorrectly (maybe due to it being marked up as html?! although it is between <pre> tags)
do a search for "mov usb_mask,#"
the first instance in the file shows the problem, the number after it has been converted to the hexadecimal character value 0x01, also the 2 lines following it have their values converted to hex char codes 0x02 and 0x03.
also while on the subject, is the source code to atapchi (the usb logger) available?
or does anyone have a currecnt email address for the author?
i tried the email address in the source, but my emails get returned
do a search for "mov usb_mask,#"
the first instance in the file shows the problem, the number after it has been converted to the hexadecimal character value 0x01, also the 2 lines following it have their values converted to hex char codes 0x02 and 0x03.
also while on the subject, is the source code to atapchi (the usb logger) available?
or does anyone have a currecnt email address for the author?
i tried the email address in the source, but my emails get returned
so maybe during html parsing the "\1" is getting turned into the character 0x01
(same for "\2"and "\3")
probably something that should be fixed so that ppl can copy straight from the page and assemble the code
from looking at the wiring diagram, it appears that the comparator output from RB.0 is input to RB.3 to enable in program comparison of pis RB.1 and RB.2. is this correct?
at first i thought they were all connected, but then noticed that other points showed a dot where a 'wire' connected. (plus if they were all connected then surely the signals would short/cancel each other out.
You are correct with the circuit. Only the wires that cross with a dot are connected.
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james@sxlist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
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