messed up analog/digital converter, reads pot, but not sensor
I'm using an ADC0831 as my analog/digital converter. If I hook pin2 to my 10k pot, it reads it like a dream (from the debug menu, I can see all 256 values as I turn the pot). If I hook it up to my ultrasonic sensor, it reads eratic values even if I'm not moving the sensor. When I attach the ultasonic sensor to my voltmeter, it works perfectly and gives off an output voltage of 0.03-6.xx.
Could my problem be because the voltage goes over 5 volts? But shouldn't it still be able to read something like 3.xx or 2.xx volts?
I'm using an ADC0831 as my analog/digital converter. If I hook pin2 to my 10k pot, it reads it like a dream (from the debug menu, I can see all 256 values as I turn the pot). If I hook it up to my ultrasonic sensor, it reads eratic values even if I'm not moving the sensor. When I attach the ultasonic sensor to my voltmeter, it works perfectly and gives off an output voltage of 0.03-6.xx.
Could my problem be because the voltage goes over 5 volts? But shouldn't it still be able to read something like 3.xx or 2.xx volts?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
Pin1 is connected to the positive terminal of a 9v battery
Pin2 is connected to the negative terminal of a 9v battery
Pin6 is connected to Pin2 of my ADC0831
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
Also, I don't know that particular ADC, but I was using an ADC recently that had a pretty low input impedance, and its internal clocking was yanking my signal all over the place until I used an op-amp buffer on my sensor to lower its output impedance. Maybe your circuit would be helped by a buffer of some kind.
Mr. Robot didn't have any 5v sensors left, and they said they wouldn't be coming in for a few months.
·· You don't want to run the Stamp (And ADC) from 9V, you want them at 5 Volts!· What you want is a common-ground between the two power circuits.· All you need to do is connect the ground pin from the sensor to the ground·on the BASIC Stamp.
Make sure your connections, especially the common ground are solid.· I can't count how many times I got erratic readings from and ADC or other device just because a wire in the breadboard was making intermittent contact.