multiplexers in Javelin?
Hello all,
I am a fluent java programmer looking to tinker with hardware, maybe write a driver or two.· So Javelin seemed like a good choice.· While I havent bought one yet I need to find out if it is right for my application.
I want to have 3 antennas in different parts of a room.· I thought I could use Javelin to build a cyclical multiplexer.(so the antenna wires would all lead right into the mux built on javaelin.· Then every second or so, all the antennas are "listened" to by cycling through each one of them via the mux.· This way, after capturing the data and pushing it into a PC, I can then use java to manipulate it and push it(the data)·to a higher level of a java application.· The idea then is if it works, to use muxes of muxes for more antennas.· Does this idea sound feasable or is it a crackpot idea?· Thanks your opinions and advice in advance.
I am a fluent java programmer looking to tinker with hardware, maybe write a driver or two.· So Javelin seemed like a good choice.· While I havent bought one yet I need to find out if it is right for my application.
I want to have 3 antennas in different parts of a room.· I thought I could use Javelin to build a cyclical multiplexer.(so the antenna wires would all lead right into the mux built on javaelin.· Then every second or so, all the antennas are "listened" to by cycling through each one of them via the mux.· This way, after capturing the data and pushing it into a PC, I can then use java to manipulate it and push it(the data)·to a higher level of a java application.· The idea then is if it works, to use muxes of muxes for more antennas.· Does this idea sound feasable or is it a crackpot idea?· Thanks your opinions and advice in advance.