Temporary saving of a post
I have a long post for the Projects forum.· Since I'm not sure I can complete the post in one sitting, is there any way to temporarily save the post for additional entries without actually posting the file?
I'd be inclined to use an offline editor (like Word) to do the actual composition. Then when it is complete, copy and paste into the posting box. Word, or any other word processor will also provide easier editing than the forum posting, as well as spell checking. Granted it can't show you the various attributes like bold, etc., that the posting would do, but you can still manually code them and then just verify them when you go to submit.
Just my $0.02.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
But more to the point, composing large posts offline is the way to go. We're working on an issue now where the 20 minute session timer is killing off the browser's connection to the site before one is able to finish composing a large post. We're going to increase the timer to 30 minutes, but that still won't be enough for some of the messages that are posted around this site. The bottom line for now is to type quickly or type offline, then copy and paste.
Be sure to refresh your page in the browser before you post to ensure that the session is still intact!
Parallax IT Dept.