bs2 control relay please help
Jose Moreno
Posts: 9
Hi I need help. i'm making this project where a bs2 has to control a 12v· 270 ohms coiled relay
can a 2n2222 transistor drive this relay? and if so
what value resister should I put between the bs2 pin and the transister?
please help
if you need more info please e-mail me personally
The TIP120 is a Darlington transistor and has a built in diode to protect it against kickbacks when the relay opns.· To close the relay, take you Stamp line high - to open it take your Stamp line low.
That's it.
Sid Weaver
Do you have a Stamp Tester?
There are usually three initial factors that I look for in a datasheet for a transistor.
1) The 'hfe' or DC Current Gain
2) The Vceo or Collector Emitter Voltage
3) The Ic or Collector Current
Looking at the datasheet, the hfe varies between 35 and 300 depending on current
the Vceo is 40V, and the Ic is 1 Amp
You say 12v with 270 Ohms..... that’s only 44mA (12v/270Ohms = 44mA) so an Ic of 1Amp is plenty and a
Vceo of 40V is fine as well.
Assuming an hfe of 35, the minimum amount of current at the Base of the transistor to drive 44mA would be 1.3mA
(44mA / 35 = 1.3mA)
As a rule of thumb, I like to double this value to provide adequate transistor saturation, so 2.6mA of Base current
So to determine the Resistor value to deliver 2.6mA
Rvalue = (Vsource - V_B-Ediode)/(Base_Current) = ( 5V - 0.6V ) / 2.6mA = 1692 Ohms
The closest standard value is a 1.5K resistor.
Beau Schwabe - Mask Designer III
National Semiconductor Corporation
(Communication Interface Division)
500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
Mail Stop GA1
Norcross,GA 30071