C compiler for SX...
I just stumbled upon this forum and have found a lot of good information; thanks.
I have seen the desire for a C compiler mentioned a few times, and although I think
it would be great if Parallax wants to write one, there is a low cost one available
that I have been using for a number of years at http://www.picant.com
This isn't exactly commercial quality, but is does pretty well.· There is even a
simple C++ compiler that is actually pretty handy also.
Keep up the good work at Parallax!
I will be happy to see the arrival of the SX52 proto board... ;-)
I have seen the desire for a C compiler mentioned a few times, and although I think
it would be great if Parallax wants to write one, there is a low cost one available
that I have been using for a number of years at http://www.picant.com
This isn't exactly commercial quality, but is does pretty well.· There is even a
simple C++ compiler that is actually pretty handy also.
Keep up the good work at Parallax!
I will be happy to see the arrival of the SX52 proto board... ;-)