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Explanation of retiw please — Parallax Forums

Explanation of retiw please

CatwareCatware Posts: 14
edited 2005-02-01 20:04 in General Discussion
Hello guys,

I'm trying to figure out how to correctly set the offset for retiw. I've read the manual, beg program guide, and searched this site and sxlist and can't quite figure out how to correctly do so.

I am designing a frequency counter (for frequencies <500Hz). The program counts inbetween clock pulses, and when a new pulse comes in, it updates the display. Here's some sample code:

         org 0   ; code start
isr      inc  counter
         inc counter+1
         mov !rb,#%00000000  ;read pending and clear
         mov edges,w
         jnb edges.0,:return  ;no incoming edge->return
         setb settings.0  ; clock pulse came in
         mov lastcounter+1,counter+1
         mov lastcounter,counter
         clr counter
         clr counter+1
:return  mov w,#-256   ;interrupt every 20.48 uS (1000 instructions * 20ns per instruc / 4 prescaler)
         [noparse][[/noparse]clear all variables]
         mov !option,#%00000001  ;set RTCC to internal clock 1:4 ratio (20.48us)

         mode $0D   ;Logic Level Mode
         mov !rb,#%00000001  ;one pin TTL
         mode  $0E   ; pull up resistors
         mov  !rb,#%00000000  ; 8 pull ups
         mode $0A   ;Edge Detection
         mov !rb,#%00000000  ;rising edge
         mode $0F   ;Direction Mode
         mov !rb,#%11111111   ; 8 inputs
         mov rb,#00   ;clear
         mode $09   ;Enable Pending Register

         jnb  settings.0,:no_pulse
         [noparse][[/noparse]compute 1/lastcounter * calibration to obtain Hz]
         clrb settings.0
         call multiplexLEDs
         jmp main

Can anyone explain how the offset for retiw should be set in this example?


Post Edited (Catware) : 2/1/2005 4:01:22 PM GMT


  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2005-02-01 17:41
    Since you say 20ns instruction time, I assume you are using 50Mhz for your clock.

    If so, the slowest interrupt period you can have is 50000000/256(prescaler)/256(rtcc overflow) = 762.939453125 or 1.31072 milliseconds.


    Post Edited (Bean) : 2/1/2005 7:48:57 PM GMT
  • CatwareCatware Posts: 14
    edited 2005-02-01 19:38

    I am using a 50Mhz clock, and do know how to set the prescaler. If I'm okay with interrupts occuring at the rtcc rollover rate (20.48us with 1:4 prescaler), then I don't need to mess with retiw? But if I wanted interrupts at 20.00us then I would set the retiw at #-250?

    Hmmm, maybe that's the answer. I thought retiw was supposed to compensate for varying code execution times in the isr routine, but is its use only if you want different interrupt times than what the prescaler can give you?

    p.s. it's 1.31ms, not 1.31usec· ·turn.gif
  • BeanBean Posts: 8,129
    edited 2005-02-01 19:47
    YES you got it.

    If you want 256 you don't need retiw because RTCC keeps updating while in the interrupt routine, so the interrupt routines time is taken into account.

  • CatwareCatware Posts: 14
    edited 2005-02-01 20:04
    Ok, Bean, thanks. For some reason that doesn't seem to be clearly stated in the manuals I've read...
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