RC servo motor to be continuous
how can i change a RC serco motor from non-continuous to be rotate continuous?
beside of removing the nod on the gear and doing adjustment on the potential meter...
wat else i can do?
wat i should do ont he circuit to make the rc servo motor to rotate continuous?
beside of removing the nod on the gear and doing adjustment on the potential meter...
wat else i can do?
wat i should do ont he circuit to make the rc servo motor to rotate continuous?
Post Edited (Jonb) : 2/2/2005 3:44:09 AM GMT
i got found many solution in that but that all is about removing the stop nod on the gear and doing adjustment on the potential meter also.....
is there any other solution on the circuit board to do that?
i heard about Hitec got a solution about changing the connecetion of the resistor on the circuit board..but i can't found it...
anyone knew about that?
anyone help??
A standard servo has mechanical limits (controlled by the design of feed-back system) which must be eliminated before the servo arm will be able to turn continuously.
This same mechanical system provides feed back to the electronics about the position of the servo arm. The feed-back system must be electrically by-passed so that the servo arm can move continuously and not recieve irrelavant information about the servo arm position.
It would be interesting to find that there are some servos that do not require modifications to both of these systems.
Sid Weaver
Do you have a Stamp Tester?
but about the model no. i'm not sure with it....
should be 5995
So for a standard servo to be continuous rotation·must·require a modification to the mechanical part which is removing the stop tab on the main output gear...
how about modification on the electronic parts(circuit)?
it is Hitec HS-645MG (ultra torque)...
so can anyone help?
Check out www.kronosrobotics.com on Servo for the most thorough tutorial.
It's not hard, but it is intricate, and some servo's don't support it at all.
I converted a servo that was supplied by Scott Edwards (I think) and has been in my parts box for some years. These were the steps involved for this particular servo. Please don’t send me the bill if your servo is different.
1. The four screws, one at each corner holds the servo together. They are self-tapers so handle them carefully. Don’t over tighten them and don’t pull the servo apart too often.
2. Electronic required little modification. You just insert a resistor divider network to replace the pot. I assumed that the pot was at mid point. My resistors won’t fit in the original case but then I don’t work very small (I liked valves because you could get a hand round them). Test the motor with you divider before proceeding.
3. There are two stops that prevent continuous rotation, one in the pot and one on the gears. Pull the servo to pieces on a large sheet of white paper and remember how it comes apart. You can’t put it together wrongly but this may save you some head scratching. Remove the pot.
4. The rotation stop in the pot means you need to trash the pot to get to it. I ended up just using the bearing and shaft of the pot and chucking the rest away.
5. The other rotation stop is a square block on one of the white plastic gears. Carefully cut this off with a Stanley knife.
6. Carefully reassemble the servo and check that the servo rotates continuously (more than 360 Deg). Don’t force it in any way during assembly.
7. Try it out and it should work perfectly.
Heck! If a thick old African can do it, anyone can.
Kind regards from Kwa Dukuza
John Bond