Power jack specs for SX-Tech?
What's the ID/OD of the power jack that Parallax uses for it's SX-Tech board? I'm guessing its 1.3mm/5.5mm but I want to be sure.
Addendum: I think I'm wrong because I can't find any suppliers with those dim's. Is the measurement from the plug or jack or they are each their own? And a MF/PN would be fab.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 1/31/2005 5:14:05 AM GMT
Addendum: I think I'm wrong because I can't find any suppliers with those dim's. Is the measurement from the plug or jack or they are each their own? And a MF/PN would be fab.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 1/31/2005 5:14:05 AM GMT
And it's 5.5 mm outside diameter, 2.1 mm inside diameter.