More detailed description of Nuts and Volts columns
I'd like to see a more detailed description of each Nuts and Volts column (listed at be shown. A sentence for each column would be good. "Silicon Steroids for your Stamp" just doesn't cut it. Thanks.
Me too. It's a heck of a lot of work considering we have well over 100 columns. I'd also like these descriptions for our web page.
Maybe we can strike a deal. . . I provide you with the books (those which are still in print) and laser printed copies of the other books and you produce a written summary of each one. In exchange, I'll open the "Parallax shop" for you to take whatever you'd like to have (within reason, of course).
Let me know if you are interested.
Ken Gracey -
Parallax, Inc.
Forrest·is right, it could be better. Personally I'm just happy they are online.·
BTW I just looked at the job offer you referred to a while back, its alot more interesting that I thought it would be. (serves me right for judging a job by its title). I'm going to go look and see what state my resume is in.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 2/1/2005 7:50:13 AM GMT
I have also been pondering a efficient way to collate the data gathered in these forums - many little tidbits that are interesting, but hard to catalog in such a way that they are easily found when needed.
Like stepper motor links or wiring etc....
Good for newbies!
Maybe have a 'sticky' forum called 'NEWBIES READ FIRST'
might save on repeating things.
And a file section would be fantastic (hint hint wink wink)....this is sorely missed since the migration from YahooGroups.
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
Stamp Modules
·· "Industrial Cup of Joe" Highlights the Stamp PLC, a stamp carriage for industrial control applications
·· "Making it Motorized" Pololu Dual Serial Motor controller
·· ...
····· Communications
········· Wireless
············ Optical
··············· Article 1....
············ RF
········· Wired
············ Dallas 1-wire
····· Motor Control
········· Article 1...
····· Sensors
········· Temperature
········· Motion
········· ...
····· Display
········· Seven Segment Display Driver
········· ...
But like I said, the amount of time I can dedicate to this this month is very small. If one of you feels like you can get this mostly accomplished by the first of March, I yeild the project to you.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 2/2/2005 10:48:18 PM GMT
After Paul said he was too busy I PM'ed Ken and offered my services. He accepted and says the books should be here shortly.
Of course, now that I've publicly out'ed myself, I have no where to hide if it takes longer than you guys want.
Paul, I like your cross-linked outline idea. Ken has asked for a short paragraph on each article. In addition to that I've been trying to think about a simple index that would allow just such a look up without requiring a fully indexed search. MS Word has, or at least used to have, a pretty good indexing tool. I play with that and see what I can come up with. OTH, once the summary is online, their site search would index it. But that wouldn't be hierarchical.