buffering data
Our planned application will use 2 stamps configured with a transceiver (likely going to use Parallax's SIP Dual mode RF transceiver).· The stamps will be doing other work between receiving commands from the other one.· I just noticed the Javelin stamp for the first time and was pleasantly surprised to read it can buffer the received data.· Before we spend the money to do some experimenting, I was wondering if this stamp might fit the bill.
Basically, each stamp will be off doing some type of work and will periodically poll for a new command received via the transceiver.· A new command will typically be short (3 or 4 bytes with a CRC) followed by an ack/nak·response to the sender.· How does the buffering on the Javelin work in this case, especially in regards to using the SIP Dual mode transceiver?
········ thanks
Basically, each stamp will be off doing some type of work and will periodically poll for a new command received via the transceiver.· A new command will typically be short (3 or 4 bytes with a CRC) followed by an ack/nak·response to the sender.· How does the buffering on the Javelin work in this case, especially in regards to using the SIP Dual mode transceiver?
········ thanks
your main code. Up to 6 receive uarts can be used simultaneously,
each uart can buffer 255 bytes.
You use the method byteAvailable() to poll for any data,
then use receiveByte() to read it from the buffer.
Receive baudrate is limited to 28800 to be reliable,
transmitting baudrate is up to 57600.
regards peter