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help: flex sensor interface to basic stamp BS2p40 — Parallax Forums

help: flex sensor interface to basic stamp BS2p40

thibodcthibodc Posts: 1
edited 2005-01-26 02:06 in BASIC Stamp
I am working on a project that uses flex sensors(variable resistors...max resistance when flexed..·minimum resistance when un-flexed)·attached to each finger of one hand·to trigger the SP03 speech module to say one of its phrases.· For example...lets say I have two fingers flexed and 3 that are not....the basic stamp BS2p40 will read these states and trigger one of the pre-defined phrases the SP03 has stored.· So basically I want the stamp to read either a flexed or un-flexed state of the flex sensors.· Does anyone have an·example...hardware and software...that will allow the basic stamp BS2p40 accomplish reading in these states?



  • MacGeek117MacGeek117 Posts: 747
    edited 2005-01-26 02:06
    You could download the Robotics with the Boe-Bot text and check out chapter 6 and
    use the circuit on page 195.

    So many projects, so little time.
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