FT232BM As a USB Host
Hi Everyone,
·I've implemented the FT232BM on a MCU and it seems to be working fine connected to a PC. I need for the MCU to act as a HOST to a USB based GPS receiver. Can I rig the FT232BM to work in this manner, or am I forced to redesign?· Otherwise, can anyone point me in the right direction for something similar to the FT232BM that might also have host capabilities?
·-Larry Wolcott
·I've implemented the FT232BM on a MCU and it seems to be working fine connected to a PC. I need for the MCU to act as a HOST to a USB based GPS receiver. Can I rig the FT232BM to work in this manner, or am I forced to redesign?· Otherwise, can anyone point me in the right direction for something similar to the FT232BM that might also have host capabilities?
·-Larry Wolcott
but the gist is - USB hosting is _hard_ if you want to do the full job of supporting arbitrary devices. If you don't need to support arbitrary devices that a user may choose to plug in, then try to find some other bus. For GPS, serial has to be a better option.