Tranfering Projects to other EEPROMs
I am fairly new to the world of Microcontrollers.· I purchased the Basic Stamp (BSX2) and BOE as my intro.· I have had alot of fun doing small projects but find myself often tearing apart a working progress to move onto something else.· The reason is that I do not want to commit my Stamp to any one project and buying a new one for each can get a little expensive.· In some projects 2 stamps would be usefull but the expense far out weights the usefulness of the project and the commitment of funds.· Is their a way I can utilize my Basic Stamp to do the development, programming, debugging etc.·and then transfer the program to a much cheaper, dedicated Microcontroller.
Thanks in advance for any suggestio0ns you can offer!!·
I am fairly new to the world of Microcontrollers.· I purchased the Basic Stamp (BSX2) and BOE as my intro.· I have had alot of fun doing small projects but find myself often tearing apart a working progress to move onto something else.· The reason is that I do not want to commit my Stamp to any one project and buying a new one for each can get a little expensive.· In some projects 2 stamps would be usefull but the expense far out weights the usefulness of the project and the commitment of funds.· Is their a way I can utilize my Basic Stamp to do the development, programming, debugging etc.·and then transfer the program to a much cheaper, dedicated Microcontroller.
Thanks in advance for any suggestio0ns you can offer!!·

Why do you say you have to commit a stamp to a project? You can always take the BS2 out of one project, reload and reprogram the BS2 with the right program, and put it in another. You might have to get another breadboard, and set up your project there to free up your BOE, but breadboards are cheap (under 20$ for a good one).
You can get a dedicated microcontroller, but they are programmed differently than the BS2. You'd need a programmer (hardware), software to compile the program to a HEX file, as well as the microchip, a 5V regulator, and (usually) an oscillator. They're not nearly as user friendly as the BS2, which is why the BS2 is so popular.
When I say " I don't want to commit my stamp..."· I am refering to the scenario of having only one application functional at a time (unless you have more then one brain).
It seems what you are suggesting is a compiller to convert Pbasic to an·assembly (numonic) language that·the dedicated uController can understand.··Im starting to think·I could end up with a Syntax nightmare with alot of debugging!·
Thanks for the reply!
You could switch to the SX28. These cost less, and run faster. Programmed in assembly or SX/Basic.
And there do exist native "PIC" compilers and board sets that would let you do what you want. The price for these starts around $350, I believe.
They also sell modules which i find great.
I use 1 BS2sx module for prototyping, using a large breadboard.
Once I am satisfied with the design it is·layed out·in ExpressPCB or other software. A few months ago I found a great solution to making my own prototype PCBs. (example.jpg)
I print on inkjet transparencies about 2 times on each side(4 passes in my 80$ bubblejet·
Once thats done I mount IC headers which allow all the IC's in the design to be extracted if needed in another design, including the BS2sx module.
This is the best way for me to keep the design prototypes·ready to go without having to rewire the entire circuit. I suppose i could purchase many breadboards but making PCBs is easy.
So yeah just purchase OEM components or finalize your design with a PIC/AVR/other, and your modules will be free for prototyping. If you are wondering how to build your own BS2sx with oem components for your embedded applications:
Post Edited (Jonb) : 1/24/2005 7:58:15 PM GMT
The EEPROM is where tokens are stored(as you probably know) and as long as you use an EEPROM that the interpreter can address properly I assume even an equivalent·IC might work.
Post Edited (Jonb) : 1/24/2005 8:38:50 PM GMT
Did you go to Ga Tech by any chance?
No, I studied computer science in Montreal, JAC.
If its about the magic smoke, I stole it from someone probably you
Post Edited (Jonb) : 1/24/2005 9:17:26 PM GMT
I bought a prototype board w/programmer and 16F877A for $150 including shipping
If you are really short on cash, you can easily make a programmer for about $15-20. And you only need one programmer. Load the software on to the PIC and ready to go. PICs themself are cheap 16F877A, one of the powerfull and expensive PICs will cost you $8-$10 individually, or less if you buy in large quantity. Yes you need a couple capacitors, 7805 voltage regulator and oscilator to power the the PIC, but those are all cheap.
So many projects, so little time.
Blank PICs arent for the beginner. Some people could get discouraged fiddling with PICs.
My logic is as follows, for what I have been able to do so far with BS2sx is astonishing:
-Pbasic for fast prototyping, testing.
-Assembler/C/Java for embedded·production models.
Although if i only needed a handfull of units·that i could hand assemble, why not save time and get OEM components from the good people at Parallax
Digikeys sells the interpreter chips:
So its all a matter of preference. I for example dont need 10 million instructions per second reading a GPS receiver and performing simple math.
BUGG: I think the sx interpreter communicates through I2c not certain but you'd have to experiment.
Note: I would have discussed AVR's... the Atmel chips, but they never send me the samples i request
Post Edited (Jonb) : 1/24/2005 10:06:04 PM GMT