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NEED HELP in programming — Parallax Forums

NEED HELP in programming

sbrownsbrown Posts: 2
edited 2005-01-22 23:24 in BASIC Stamp
Hello everyone.

I have a question for the programmers out there. I have a 13 year old son who is workig on a project that does the following.

moves a servo to control intake opening to his fan tunnel that contains a·fuel injector and a High powered fan(Iflame thrower). He wants to have the program reads his rpm on his homemade turbo fan which in turn would dictate the movement of the servo. opening the intake,·now just to put a safety factor in he wants to add a k type thermocoupler just incase the temp reaches a unsafe reading. if the thermo max temp is reached it would·sen a signal to decrease the movement of the servo and the intake up more to allow more air to cool the thermocoupler. this inturn would bring the temp back to the safe levels and maintian it there until he decides to cut it off.

RPM··················· · servo······················ thermo
3000 rpm········· 90 deg left·············· 400 c
6000 rpm········· centered················· 500 c
7000 rpm········· 20 deg right············· 600 c max temp
8000 rpm········· 15 deg right············· 590

We are very new to micro controllers and if it was for my son being in radio shack one day, i would never even thought of what a microcontroller is.· the problem is we are not even been introduce to programming before. but i do not want to let him down. and i want ot somehow supply a solution and monitor this project. i really am·happy that he took a strong interest in this. and just do not want him to fail.

he has surfed the web and found alot of info where all this has been done befoer but not where theyt control each other.

please help me make his first project a happy one that works.


  • K de JongK de Jong Posts: 154
    edited 2005-01-22 23:24

    The world of programming is very large. So, the best way is to start off doing simple steps.

    Ie. the first step may be to construct a little system that lets a LED blink. Then experiment with a servo, have it turning left and right.

    After that ad the thermocouple (you may need an analog to digital converter here) and experiment with the control of your servo with the readings of the thermocouple.

    Now you can try to hook things up to your afterburner, you will have the LED to show your Stamp is running.

    There are many excellent books and articles on the Parallax website, so there is enough good stuff to read.


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