Anyone interested in some high speed SRAM?
I found out that Cypress obsoleted my favorite line of SRAM last month, I found Future Electronics·is still selling·tubes (Pack of 23). I'm thinking of picking up a·tube of CY7C1019B-12VC (128Kx8bit)(,%20CY7C10191B.pdf)·before supplies are exhuasted but I don't need 23. Would any of you be interested in some at cost ($3.59 per chip) + shipping? They can handle data as fast as you can access them (max rate is 83 million acesses per second), but they work at any speed you need.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 1/22/2005 4:38:56 AM GMT
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 1/22/2005 4:38:56 AM GMT