hey i'm new to the sx28 chip and could use any help i can get. To start i was wondering if you had any good sites to gain basic knowledge of the chip and the code for it
Depends on your programming experience, if your an experienced assembly programmer, you can get by on Parallax's online documentation: http://www.parallax.com/sx/downloads.asp·the SX User's manual contains nearly all information a seasoned asm programmer needs to get up and running.
If you have programming experience in another language (BASIC, C what-have-you) I strongly recommend Guenther Daubach's Programming the SX Microcontroller: A Complete Guide http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=70002
This is assuming your trying to program in assembly, If your goal is to program in BASIC look at http://www.parallax.com/dl/docs/books/ExploringTheSx.pdf·which is the newer version of Al Williams book which covers programming the SX in assembly and also SX/B (SX's version of BASIC). This is available for download free in its entirety
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 1/19/2005 6:51:12 PM GMT
How about the SX/B free BASIC compiler examples in the on-line help file for the SX-Key software. This resource is really well-designed to help you get started with the example projects. I'm not an assembly programmer, but with SX/B I understand the SX design much better than I have in the past.
Tanxs lads for the help!!· Just alot of work ahead of me. See i only have a basic knowlegde in java,C and ASm language for 8051 now have a mini serial terminal project to do using the sx28. See using the hyperterminal packetage i must be able to display a meesage on an external powertip lcd.
I have the board built using rs232 to control voltage level in thsx28 chip . Seems pretty alright. I have it displaying mesages now all i need to do is get it to communicate to the port on the computer. Any tips··
I would recommend looking for the ones that reference "UART" and find the simplest one that meets your needs. I ended up using one that was in a source file called "uart_vp.src" originally written by Bruce Wilson of Scenix.
You probably don't need this tip, but the only trouble I had in getting it to work was remembering that I not only needed the TX and RX pins, but also the common ground!!! [noparse]:D[/noparse]
If you have programming experience in another language (BASIC, C what-have-you) I strongly recommend Guenther Daubach's Programming the SX Microcontroller: A Complete Guide http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=70002
If you have little or no programming experience I suggest Al Williams Beginning Assembly Language for the SX Microcontroller http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=70014
This is assuming your trying to program in assembly, If your goal is to program in BASIC look at http://www.parallax.com/dl/docs/books/ExploringTheSx.pdf·which is the newer version of Al Williams book which covers programming the SX in assembly and also SX/B (SX's version of BASIC). This is available for download free in its entirety
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 1/19/2005 6:51:12 PM GMT
How about the SX/B free BASIC compiler examples in the on-line help file for the SX-Key software. This resource is really well-designed to help you get started with the example projects. I'm not an assembly programmer, but with SX/B I understand the SX design much better than I have in the past.
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james@sxlist.com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
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I have the board built using rs232 to control voltage level in thsx28 chip . Seems pretty alright. I have it displaying mesages now all i need to do is get it to communicate to the port on the computer. Any tips··
I've had great luck with the Virtual Peripherals provided on the Parallax site: www.parallax.com/sx/downloads.asp
I would recommend looking for the ones that reference "UART" and find the simplest one that meets your needs. I ended up using one that was in a source file called "uart_vp.src" originally written by Bruce Wilson of Scenix.
You probably don't need this tip, but the only trouble I had in getting it to work was remembering that I not only needed the TX and RX pins, but also the common ground!!! [noparse]:D[/noparse]
Good Luck,