Javelin Direct Source Code now available under GNU Public License!

Dear Javelin users:
Today we have released the Javelin Direct Source code. It is provided·without support from Parallax and under the GNU Public License. We are considering creating a project for it on Sourceforge, so multiple people could contribute to new revisions. With this source code it is possible to develop a programming interface for other platforms (Mac, Linux, etc.). Users of the source should feel free to post changes or improvements to this program to this Javelin Stamp Discussion Forum.
You will find the download on this Parallax web page:
Best of luck!
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Today we have released the Javelin Direct Source code. It is provided·without support from Parallax and under the GNU Public License. We are considering creating a project for it on Sourceforge, so multiple people could contribute to new revisions. With this source code it is possible to develop a programming interface for other platforms (Mac, Linux, etc.). Users of the source should feel free to post changes or improvements to this program to this Javelin Stamp Discussion Forum.
You will find the download on this Parallax web page:
Best of luck!
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
·· That's a great thing that you guys have released the code for it. As I had written in another post yesterday, I have been contemplating writing an Eclipse Plugin for Javelin development. The Plugin will utilize the Jikes compiler to compile the Java and then would shell out to Javelin Direct to upload it. The only issue was that the plugin would only really be useful on a Win32 machine because of Javelin Direct. But since the source is now available for Javelin Direct, others could use the plugin on any platform with Eclipse and then port the communication program for that platform as well.
··· I guess my big question is how many Javelin users are previous Java developers that have used Eclipse in the past and would want/use this plugin if I were to sit down and write it?
··· Ryan
I would love to develop for the javelin with eclipse. You get my vote if your building a plugin. I took a stab at getting it working awhile back when I read someone had javelin direct running under wine but I couldn't get it to work. I briefly considered reverse engineering the protocol but decided I have too many other projects to waste my time on. I'm surprised there aren't more responses already to your offer. You would think the kind of people that hack around with hardware would be into alternative systems and open source code. Oh well I hope you still do it.
javelin, right?
When I hit link in the JIDE on the program holding the main method,
it appears only that program gets compiled (not imported classes).
What I want is to have a command to compile/link the main program
that includes·all imported classes into a single class file.
This single class file I would like to email together with a download command
to a customer so they can download new code into the javelin, without
requiring access to classpath sources.
Better still when compiling into a single .EXE file.
Can someone that has read into the sources, provide these two
commands (compile and download)· from the sources?
Or point out how to extract the functions required to make
these commands?
regards peter
If you want to be able to have someone else download compiled Javelin code, then I think the best approach is for you to compile and link the code into the single binary, then you can send the binary to your customer and along with a downloader program. They can use the downloader to program a Javelin. Once nice side-effect of this approach is that the end-user can't realistically decompile the code, so they never see the source, and they can't make any changes (and so mess with the reliability).
These are feasible modifications, assuming you are comfortable with C++ coding. I would recommend looking at the TSXCom class where it programs the Javelin. This is where JavelinDirect could be split into two versions, one which links and then saves to disk the binary file, and one that loads the binary file and programs the Javelin.
Thanks. I found all the download is done in a single function.
I adapted that function to save the jemData array (which is what gets
downloaded) into a file c:\javelin.jem
I simply download the program into a javelin so not to interfere with
any timing. Will this work in cpp?
regards peter
So here is the adapted download function.
void __fastcall TSXComm:[noparse]:D[/noparse]ownloadJemFile( char *jemData, int length, bool debug ) {
·unsigned char packet[noparse][[/noparse]19];
· int pLength = 19, packetStart = 0;
· int firstPacket = 1;
· //following block added by P. Verkaik
· //just download program to javelin (do not interfere with timing)
· //and as side effect the jemData array is saved as javelin.jem
· //start of jemfile save
· FILE *fp = fopen("c:\\javelin.jem","wb");
· if (fp) {
··· for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
····· fputc(jemData[noparse][[/noparse]i],fp);
··· }
··· fclose(fp);
· }
· //end of jemfile save
· if ( gOptions.debugComLevel >= kDebugComFunctions )
· ·StatusDebug("TSXComm:[noparse]:D[/noparse]ownloadJemFile(%d)", length);
· // Check that the SX is ready to accept a download.
· SendSimpleCommand(kComDownloadOK);
· if ( debug )
· ·jemData[noparse][[/noparse]0] = kDebugMagic;
· else
· ·jemData[noparse][[/noparse]0] = kRunMagic;
· printf("Downloading ");
· for ( int i = 0; i < ceil(length/16.0); i++ ) {
··· // Only do the update 20 times.
··· if ( i%(int)(ceil(length/16.0)/20) == 0 ) {
····· printf(".");
····· fflush(stdout);
··· }
··· /* TODO: This reads past the end of the jemData array. Need to handle the end case properly. */
··· memcpy(&packet[noparse][[/noparse]2], jemData+packetStart, 16 );
··· packet[noparse][[/noparse]0] = kComProgram;
··· packet[noparse][[/noparse]1] = firstPacket;
··· packet[noparse][[/noparse]16+2] = ComputeChecksum(packet, 16+2·);
··· // Send the command.
··· SendPacket(packet, 16+3);
··· firstPacket = 0;
··· packetStart += 16;
··· // Programming the EEPROM may take more time than usual for the Ack.
··· // Use an increased timeout.
··· ReceiveAck(kComProgram, kProgramWait);
· }
· printf("\n");
regards peter
void __fastcall TSXComm:[noparse]:D[/noparse]ownloadJemFile2( ) {
·unsigned char packet[noparse][[/noparse]19];
· int pLength = 19, packetStart = 0;
· int firstPacket = 1;
· char *jemData;
· int length;
· bool Debug = false;
· //following block added by P. Verkaik
· //just download jemfile to javelin (do not interfere with timing)
· //start of jemfile read
· FILE *fp = fopen("c:\\javelin.jem","rb");
· if (fp) {
··· fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END);
··· length = ftell(fp);
··· jemData = (char *)malloc(length);
··· for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
····· jemData[noparse][[/noparse]i] = fgetc(fp);
··· }
··· fclose(fp);
· }
· //end of jemfile read
· if ( gOptions.debugComLevel >= kDebugComFunctions )
· ·StatusDebug("TSXComm:[noparse]:D[/noparse]ownloadJemFile(%d)", length);
· // Check that the SX is ready to accept a download.
· SendSimpleCommand(kComDownloadOK);
· if ( debug )
· ·jemData[noparse][[/noparse]0] = kDebugMagic;
· else
· ·jemData[noparse][[/noparse]0] = kRunMagic;
· printf("Downloading ");
· for ( int i = 0; i < ceil(length/16.0); i++ ) {
··· // Only do the update 20 times.
··· if ( i%(int)(ceil(length/16.0)/20) == 0 ) {
····· printf(".");
····· fflush(stdout);
··· }
··· /* TODO: This reads past the end of the jemData array. Need to handle the end case properly. */
··· memcpy(&packet[noparse][[/noparse]2], jemData+packetStart, 16 );
··· packet[noparse][[/noparse]0] = kComProgram;
··· packet[noparse][[/noparse]1] = firstPacket;
··· packet[noparse][[/noparse]16+2] = ComputeChecksum(packet, 16+2·);
··· // Send the command.
··· SendPacket(packet, 16+3);
··· firstPacket = 0;
··· packetStart += 16;
··· // Programming the EEPROM may take more time than usual for the Ack.
··· // Use an increased timeout.
··· ReceiveAck(kComProgram, kProgramWait);
· }
· printf("\n");
regards peter
I was reading into main() and found that ifndef WIN32, then the jemfile
gets saved. I guess I can duplicate that code into the WIN32· section
so it always gets saved. Also, I prefer adding a --jem option to download
an existing jemfile rather than compile/link sources. That would leave
a single downloader program and the new feature is run from main().
Wouldn't that be better than adjusting the download routine?
regards peter
I adapted the main.cpp and posted it here
Could you check this for me. I think it is ok.
It now generates a jemfile if you don't specify --jem
If you do specify --jem it merely downloads the jemfile.
regards peter
with my adapted main, for the windows platform?
You require Borland C++ builder 6 to do so.
Thank you.
regards peter
Compiling seems to be ok (though 36 warnings), but I get 29 linker errors, all related
to·unresolved externals __fastcall referenced from cdiroutl.cpp
[noparse][[/noparse]Linker Error] Unresolved external '__fastcall Outline::TCustomOutline::~TCustomOutline()' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES\BORLAND\CBUILDER6\LIB\BCBSMP.LIB|.\cdiroutl.cpp
These·__fastcall appear only in TSXComm but that compiles ok.
Can someone tell me how to resolve these·externals?
regards peter
The new sources (v1.1) are located here:
A sample project that utilizes v1.1 is located here:
Now you can send a zip file to a customer. He only needs to unzip it
and run a batchfile (works even within Explorer), and he does not need
the source files.
regards peter
The v1.1 option --jem is replaced by two options: --link and --load
--link only creates the jem file (the javelin does not need to be·connected)
--load only downloads the jem file to the javelin (this is the v1.1 --jem option)
How to use this to let customers download new programs themselves:
The v1.2 sources:
regards peter