Programmng differences between PIC and basic stamp?
Posts: 3
Since the basic stamp has at it's heart a PIC microcontroller, how come the PIC needs a special programmer and the basic stamp doesn't? I mean does it have to do with the rest of the components on the basic stamp module?
"Programming" a BASIC Stamp may be a little bit of a misnomer. The PIC chip (the brain of the STAMP) is already programmed by the time you get it. It has a program in it that reads "tokens", compiled by and stored on the EEPROM by the IDE, more or less one at a time, and then acts on them. The PIC's program is the intellectual property of well it should be.
(Yes, Jon...and Bruce...and Tracy...I know that this is a vast over-simplification...but sometimes simple is a good first step <g>)
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Post Edited (Tom Walker) : 1/19/2005 4:22:02 PM GMT