what happens if I don't wait 20ms between pulses for servos
Posts: 200
What happens if I don't wait 20ms between pulses for servos, and instead do it slightly quicker or slower?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas, TX· USA
If you get too long, the Servo won't hold its position as strongly. I don't know what happens if you get too short, you'll probably confuse the comparator -- resulting in vibration? inconsistent positioning? I don't know.
So set your refresh for 20 mSec, and then whatever other code runs has to complete in 30 mSec so the refresh doesn't get too long. This is perfect for the BS2, since it can do a lot in 20 to 50 mSec, and you don't HAVE to refresh the servo right on the dot.
Thanks guys.