re-use LCD
Has anyone ever attempted (with any success) to re-use an LCD display from say a calculator or VCR or whatever and interface it with a bs2?
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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How about inexpensive 20x4's?
Also, do you know if it is possible to find graphing, or pixel addressable, LCDs for less than $100?
·· I will share two of my favorite places for getting LCD Displays...Remember, I am offering suggestions for what works for me, if things don't work for you please don't blame the messenger!·
·· Since I am a designer, by default, I rarely order things in production quantity, unless it's my own project.· That being said, getting good prices on LCD Displays can be tricky, at best.
·· I prefer surplus dealers, but so many of them deal in SO MUCH that they don't get good deals on LCD Displays.· Many people are familiar with B.G. Micro.· It's where I often find great deals on LCD Displays of varying configurations.· Often they are new pulls, which means they were built into some product that probably didn't make it, and now the parts are being sold off as surplus.
·· Sometimes you have to remove bezels or plastic covers and brackets to get the display out, but 99% of the time it's worth it.· In fact B.G. Micro currently has a deal on a 24X2 LED Backlit for $4.95 which is pretty darn good.· My personal experience is that 95% of the time I get a great deal.· One time I ordered 3 40X2 displays and later found that they required a negative voltage for the contrast, which they weren't advertised as requiring.· They offered to give me credit, but I declined, yet still haven't used the displays.
·· Here's the wesbite:··
·· The other place I used to get alot of great deals on displays is a place called, Timeline.· They always have displays, and many are backlit, and they have a wide variety, as well as graphics displays.· They have GREAT prices, but not very good tech support (Translated into, if you have a question, it takes time to get an answer).· But I have purchased many displays from them, and they are usually they cheapest for the bigger displays.
·· Recently I purchased a 40X4 and a 20X4, both LED backlit to see what they were carrying and determine if I wanted to place a bulk order.· The 40X4 works great, although it had a premounted connector.· But the 20X4 wouldn't work for anything.· Later I found out that it required almost -5VDC for the contrast, which is very unusual.· Many displays with negative requirements only need like -0.3VDC, but whatever.· Their website is:
To get directly to character displays use:·
I hope this helps those that are tired of paying·high prices·for displays, or, like me, simply can't afford more expensive displays.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
Business Page:··
Personal Page:···
Designs Page:···
Thanks much. I just took a quick look at Timeline and their prices are really good.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
Business Page:··
Personal Page:···
Designs Page:···
They sell a 16 x 2 HD44780 based LCD with backlight for $5.65.
I usually get my LCD displays for free
When I'm looking for one I go to the local dealer of fax machines and usually he has a few old machines that contain LCD displays I can salvage.
He's happy to get rid of his junk and I get the LCD display (and sometimes some other stuff I can use).
Most LCD displays I have got this way are with the usual Hitachi chipset, so they are not too difficult to hook up.
Nice Post...
You can also try, All Electronics... This is where I got my LCD's, they work great.
Jurgen, I come across tons of printers like this myself, but I've never tried using the LCDs. Could you give us an example of one that worked for you and how you found the info on it etc?